It was a very nice surprise when my friend Erunise came up to me and said she would like to do some woodwork together. She knew how much I like symbols and ancient writings so we combined that with her passion for Tolkien's tengwar writing.
The symbols we chose and their meanings are: Meleth - Love, Gwend - Friendship and Estel - Trust
Items needed:
How to make it:
1. Cut circular disks from the cylindrical piece of wood. I used a parts of a Christmas tree.
2. You should have 3 parts: earrings and necklace. The earrings parts should be cut down to a smaller dimension then the necklace.
3. Sand the parts with the sandpaper.
4. Write the symbols onto the wood with a pencil.
5. Burn the symbols onto the wood and add the leather string and metal parts.
6. Optionally you can create a beeswax coating. For this you would need beeswax.
7. Some technical benzine.
8. Put small pieces of wax inside a jar and pour benzine over it. The benzine melts the wax and it can be applied on the wood with a small brush. The benzine evaporates and leaves behind a nice wax coating.
Love Friendship Trust, 2015, Woodburn on pine, Zenith Adi
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