Enormous scratch posts

Gaia, my cat, is very lively and energetic. So I thought about making her something that would keep her fit and happy. Enjoy the pictured tutorial.

Enormous scratch posts

Items needed:

  • a tree trunk or pipe at least
    • 10 cm in diameter
    • 2.5 m in height (or 30 cm taller then your wardrobe)
  • drilling machine with drill bits
  • double headed bolt
  • rope preferably 6mm in diameter and 100m+ in length
  • a blanket the same width as the height of the tree trunk

How to make it:

1. Get the tree trunks. I have these two 2.5 m bamboos trunks from a home and garden store. They are very light.

Google Pictures

2. Get a blanket the same height as the tree trunks. I had one 2.5m / 2.5m and I cut it in half. One half for each scratch post.

Google Pictures

3. Wrap the blanket around the tree trunk and secure it with rope. I used 6mm thick rope from a home and garden store. 100m should be enough for 2.5m of scratch post with a diameter of ~10 cm. More rope is better, but it is also more expensive.

Google Pictures

4. Drill a hole on the ceiling of the wardrobe for each scratch post. Put a double headed bolt inside it. Leave a 0.5 cm part out so you will have something to secure the scratch post against. I used the ones in the picture below.

Google Pictures

5. Raise the scratch post against the wardrobe. Secure it with rope by attaching it to the bolt placed in the wardrobe. For the lower part of the scratch post, use the foot of the wardrobe to secure the scratch post.

Google Pictures

And here is the new throne. Enjoy!

Enormous scratch posts, 2015, Bambus and textil, Zenith Adriana



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