This necklace is a gift I’ve made for my lovely friend Erunise. Her beauty inspired me to craft the Maise ogham necklace. It’s translation from Scottish Gaelic word to modern English is beauty, grace, elegance, charm.
The Bríatharogam explains the meanings of the letters in Ogham alphabet. Each letter represents the names of a tree in druid spirituality and each tree has a symbolic meaning. I’ve chosen these letters to best describe my friend:
Muin – Old Irish Muin: the kennings connect this name to three different words, muin “neck, upper part of the back”, muin “wile, ruse”, and muin “love, esteem”. The arboreal tradition has finemhain “vine”. Meaning: Prophecy – Instinct – Inspiration
Sail – Old Irish Sail means “willow-tree”, cognate to Latin salix. Meaning: Unconscious mind – Intuition – Emotions – The Moon – The Feminine
Items needed:
1. Find some tree roots with soft bark. They should be 1-1.5 cm in diameter and at least 6 cm long.
2. Dice the branches to the size of each item. Slice them in half.
3. Use the sandpaper to smooth the surface of the wood. Drill holes for the earnings and the necklace string. Engrave it.
4. Apply lacquer with a soft brush and let it dry. I use a matte lacquer that is safe for children and dry food contact. Reapply several times if necessary until you get a nice protective coating. I used 3 coatings.
5. Enjoy it!
Maise, 2012, Woodburn on hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), Zenith Adi
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