The Snake

I dreamed once of a white snake with white feathers around his neck. And this snake would fly through the ground and the air.

Serpent deities are present in several old cultures, particularly in religion and mythology, where snakes were seen as entities of strength and renewal. My personally favorite ones are the Mesoamerica ones: Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan.

Items needed:

  • Coiled branch

  • Sandpaper

  • Roughing knife

  • 1. Run to the forest and bring back to your home a curly branch. The branch that was used in the making of The Snake was found randomly in the woods after some sanitation work by the forest ranger.

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    2. Using the roughing knife, begin shaping the snake.

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    3. Next, start sanding the snake. If done completely manual, as I did, this task can take a couple of hours.

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    4. After you get bored with sanding, sand a little more. And here is the result.

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    5. White feathers around the neck will be added later, when I will procure some. So far I have failed to do so.

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    The Snake, 2011, Pine root, Zenith Adriana



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