The social media hot topic these days is 'New Year's resolution'. I had never adopted this tradition so I thought to give it a try.
As my colleague Lukas recommended, the best way to go about this is to do a dry run so that you will be able to set proper expectations for yourself.
Well said. So let's get to it!
I set myself as a goal to migrate my blog content from to, install a new theme and personalize it. This was something I wanted to do for almost 2 years and had always procrastinated on it.
I estimated the effort to be around 10 hours and that I can do it over 1-2 weeks next year.
Turns out I started working and, 10 hours later, I had a new blog. Cool!
I like challenges, especially that the author of the GPL licensed theme said the code is obfuscated and discouraged people from altering it. However, that sounded like an invitation to me.
Now I know why I never had a 'New Year's resolution'. I never leave stuff to do later, except learning Czech. The exception only confirms the rule.
And this is my first post to try out the new blog features.
Zenith Adriana, 2018
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