Indian Charm

This charm is a simple manifestation of an idea. However, as Herbert Alexander Simon said, something is simple or complex depending on the way we choose to describe it.

I call this pendant a charm not because it may have any magical protection properties  but because it shielded me for an entire afternoon of over thinking things and practiced my focusing abilities on something nice.

Items needed:

  • Drilling machine

  • Sandpaper

  • Saw

  • Piece of root

  • Leather string

  • 1. Find a nice root about 1 cm in diameter. I used one from a tree fallen during a storm.

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    2. Cut the root to about 5 cm in length. Drill holes through the wood and sand it's endings.

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    3. Add string. Each string passes through each hole twice to give it the braided effect.

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    Charm, 2011, Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), Zenith Adi



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