I've always been fascinated about how myths explain the origin of the universe by joining the male and the female entities. It is also my belief that one can find it's balance in life when he or she completes this primordial pair, either within itself or in someone else. For this reason I chose the cuneiform signs, one of the earliest known systems of writing, distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks (originally on clay tablets) to represent the primordial pair.
The bracelet reads: "Ana awïlum u sinnishtim" or "Ana awïlum ü sinnishtim" which in translation to modern English means: "To/For the man and the woman" or "To/For the man or woman".
The pendants hold the man and the woman symbols. The woman symbol is the one resembling a triangle, or a womb.
Items needed:
1. Find some tree roots. I used an alder tree that was taken down by the storm.
2. Slice the roots to the size of the set parts.
2. Dice each root to match the size of the pendant, earrings or bracelet.
3. Sand, drill and engrave each piece. I made more earrings because I have more ear holes. Also, the earrings do not have engravings because they are too small.
4. Wear it with pleasure.
Ana awïlum u sinnishtim, 2012, Woodburn on hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), Zenith Adi
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